Jordan Gent

Python Developer

Current Stack and Skills

About Me

Welcome to my digital abode! I'm Jordan Gent, a highly motivated and passionate software engineer hailing from Lehi, UT. With a strong foundation in Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SQL, I delight in crafting seamless and functional experiences.

My coding journey began with a high school web design course, where I fell in love with the creative process of building websites. Since then, I've expanded my skill set by earning a Full Stack Web Development Certification from Free Code Camp, getting a Front End Web Development Course at TeamTreehouse, and completing Devmountains Foundations and Python Specializations boot camp.

Experienced in working with a variety of frameworks and libraries, I've honed my expertise in Flask, Jinja, jQuery, Bootstrap, Axios, Express, Cors, and AWS. My insatiable curiosity drives me to constantly learn and innovate, relishing the thrill of solving complex challenges in the digital realm.

Beyond the world of web development, I'm an avid NFT collector and gamer, diving into immersive experiences like Ark. Yet, my appreciation for nature also beckons me to explore the great outdoors, striking a balance between the digital and natural worlds.

Whether I'm refining my programming prowess or indulging in my hobbies, I strive for excellence and personal growth. As a dedicated engineer, I'm eager to bring your projects to life with precision, creativity, and passion. Let's build something extraordinary together!

Learning/Areas of interest